Contractors Job Site Checklist
Manual Material Handling
- Are mechanical devices being used in place of manual handling of material?
- Are ropes, slings, chains, hook, cables, and chokers in good condition?
- Proper staging of materials to minimize lifting and carrying? Rigging equipment inspected regularly and in
- good condition? Is the handling of bagged material limited to 50lbs?
- Are carrying handles being used when a single worker is carrying sheeted materials?
House-keeping: Slips, Trips and Falls
- Are walking and working surfaces clear and free of debris?
- Are waste and trash containers provided, and used?
- Is there regular removal of waste and trash from the containers? Does each trade cleanup after themselves?
- Is adequate temporary lighting provided?
- Is temporary storage of materials and supplies done in an organized fashion?
Fire Protection and Prevention
- Are all flammable liquid containers clearly identified?
- Are all flammable liquid containers UL of FM listed?
- Have proper storage practices for flammables been observed? Are extinguishers readily accessible and serviced regularly?
- Are hydrants clear and accessible for fire department personnel?
- Have gas cylinders been chained upright with valve caps securely fastened? Has there been proper segregation between flammable gasses?
- Proper labeling of full and empty cylinders?
- Are temporary heaters located at a safe distance from combustibles? Is ventilation adequate for temporary heaters?
- Are all switch gear, panels, and devices that are energized marked and/or guarded?
- Lockout devices available/used on circuits that could become energized while being worked?
- Are all temporary circuits properly guarded and grounded?
- Are extension cords in continuous lengths without splice?
- Are GFCI’s and/or Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program being used?
- If temporary lighting is provided, are bulbs protected against accidental breakage?
- Are working surfaces clear of cords so as not to create a tripping hazard?
- Is there a sufficient number of temporary outlets on the job site?
- Any visual signs of outlet overloading?
Hazard Communication
- A list of hazardous chemicals?
- Container labeling?
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)?
- Employee training?
- Informing other contractors?
- Posting?
- Have utility companies been notified of proposed excavation work?
- Are all tools, equipment, and shoring materials readily available prior to job start up?
- Are overhead utility lines noted and precautions taken to avoid contact with equipment?
- Is the spoil pile at least two feet from the edge of the excavation?
- Is the excavation inspected daily or more frequently when conditions could affect the soil?
- If needed, are barricades, stop logs, properly placed?
- Has soil classification been made by a competent person?
- Are excavations five feet or deeper correctly sloped, benched, shored or is a trench box used?
- Is a ladder or other means of egress provided in trenches or excavations six feet or deeper?
- When ladders are used, do they extend three feet above the surface and are they secured?
- Are shoring and shielding systems inspected daily by a competent person?
- Is the trench backfilled as soon a work is completed?